Covid Update 14.07.20

14th July 2020

Dear parents/carers
COVID -19 UPDATE 14.7.20
I hope you are all well and enjoying the beautiful weather where you can. I wanted to give you a brief update just to let you know that the plans for September should be confirmed by the end of the week. All of our time and energy over the past couple of weeks has gone into offering a safe return for all of our pupils this week; classroom changes, different timetables, new groupings, risk assessments, feasibility studies, ordering new equipment, removing resources/soft furnishings etc. All of this takes time and our staff have been working incredibly hard to make sure that school is a safe and welcoming environment for your children to return to whilst managing their own children and continuing to plan for the home learners and support their learning and I can’t thank everyone enough. Your continued support means a great deal to us so thank you. Most schools have only offered places to particular year groups but we felt that offering a place before September to all children, even though it may only be a couple of days, would help prevent anxieties over the Summer holidays, allow children to see friends and staff and give them a sense of normality. It has been lovely to see the smiles on all their faces.
So with regard to September, you will receive a personal email early next week. This will give you all the information you need, start/finish times, meeting points, paying for school meals etc. If you have more than one child and they have different start/finish times then you will need to drop at the earliest time and pick up at the latest time, this will also be explained in the letter. We understand that the Friday lunchtime finish may be a struggle for some parents, however, having looked at all the possible options, we have to go with what we feel is the safest option for both staff and children. This is by NOT mixing bubbles, having less than 20 pupils in a bubble and staff being limited to 1 sometimes 2 bubbles. This is a temporary measure for the first half of Autumn term and we hope to be back to our normal four class structure by the end of October if not earlier. This, along with all other updates, is also published on the school website for those who do not use social media.
If you have any personal concerns and would like to discuss them then please do not hesitate to contact me on
Take care
Paula Blackburn